Thursday, May 24, 2012

NCHE conference day 1

It's been an interesting day so far. Busy busy morning getting everything done at home before leaving to get to Winston. Both daughters in the car with me. I "ordered" 80's music for the ride over. At one point we started listening to Sebatian from Little Mermaid sing "Under the Sea", but then back to 80's music we went. We got checked in. We're staying at Piedmont International University. I meant to take a picture and post it but I left the camera in the car since we were just dropping things off.

So far I've been to John Stonestreet's talk on the Coming Challenges to our Faith and the Bentley's talk on Decreasing Expenses, Increasing Income. Both were wonderful and I highly recommend both speakers.

Oops! Gotta go hear the Bentley's again. I'll be sitting in the back now!

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