Friday, May 25, 2012

NCHE conference day 2

Finally a chance to sit down! Two great speakers this morning. First Voddie Baucham. Educating our children with our grandchildren in mind. Lots of stuff that we are doing wrong to continue the movement, keep homeschooling strong. One thing he identified in me, my homeschool, is that the kids, at least my girls, don't have the vision to homeschool their own children. One reason I homeschool is to keep the kids from the stuff going on in the public schools. And according to him, that's not the reason to homeschool. The right resons to homeschool are that we are convinced by scripture, we understand our role as parents, we want to advance kingdom of God, and we want to bless kingdom of man. Whew! This is why I come to the conference every year. I need to be reminded of these things. By the end of the school year I am bogged down by test scores and getting the textbook finished and do they know what they should know by now. What I should be thinking of is do they know Jesus? Are they serving Jesus? Are they willing to share their faith in Jesus with others?

Then I went to hear Hal and Melanie Young talk about your son's battle for purity. I'm covering purity for my daughters as best I know how. There are lots of resources out there for girls. But there is little to help our sons. Hal and Melanie stand in that gap. They were fun to listen to. A serious topic which they covered very well. They shared a comment from their college age son that dating would be better than what goes on now. Hooking up without the date first. Ugh! Really? So, not what I want for my children. They told us practical ways to keep our sons pure. One was with covenant Rather than a filter which could filter too much or as a parent turn off the filter so I can find something and then forget to turn it back on, they use monitoring software. This sends email when something of question is viewed. Some of the statistics they shared were worrisome - boys as young as 9 running into problems online. Oh my! I need to get on this now! Then the girls and I had lunch and went to the book fair.

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